Monday, January 27, 2014

Ageless Eyes: The Birth of Humanity

I am old.
I have always been old.
I’ve existed for as long as understanding has.
For as long as the energy of existence has flooded this earth:
Forever we have bonded within the schism of what is and could be.

And, when I was born,
I felt flesh,
Tasted its vulnerability,
The fragility of life, itself.
And the bittersweet scent of humanity

And, loved it.
Because, I’ve loved you since the beginning to the end of time
for I am older than you can ever know.

For I’ve seen the truth,
Your truth.

That, you are tragedy and hope;
sadness and joy;
death and life;
the past and the future.

Because by simply being,
Humanity can be everything and nothing at all.